Pippali Churna Uses & Benefits

General Name
English Name
:Long pepper
Botanical Name
:Piper longum

Pippali is useful herb for cold and mucus conditions of the lungs as it boosts vasodilatation and increases circulation to the lung. It acts as a bronchodilator, decongestant and expectorant. Pippali is a strong rejuvenative for the lungs. If you are prone to colds, this herb is recommended as it will prevent cold.

Its chemical composition is Piperine, piplartine, pipernoline, piperundecalidine, eicosadienamide, eicosatrienamide, guineensine, long amide, octadecadie, piperlongine, piperlongumine, pellitorine, pipercide, piperundecalidine and essential oils.

We have it in different form available at our store. There you can buy it by clicking the link below.

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